Saturday, 22 February 2014

Bees and Mead

A friend from the bee club, who also happens to be a colleague in the industry, asked me to give him a hand collecting a feral beehive. The bees had established themselves in the wall of an old shed in a suburb up in the hills behind Auckland. The owners wanted to demolish the shed but cared enough to want the bees safely removed before they did so.

The bees had been getting in through a small hole at the back of the shed and had built their hive inside the lining of the wall.

As the shed was going to be demolished anyway there was no problem to begin tearing off the lining.

We gave some fresh honey comb full of honey to the owners. David took the bees to start a new hive and I got the rest of the comb and honey.

I decided to try making some mead. First the ingredients were boiled.

And then filtered.

It was fermented under and air lock and then bottled. The recipe I used recommended at least 6 months bottle conditioning before drinking. Now I have to find out what foods go with mead...

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