Back on 23 March I made some Chilli Vodka. My first attempt was to just cut a chilli from the garden, push it into a bottle and top up with 45o neutral spirit.
Then I thought I'd open up some more surface area and split a chilli in two, left the seeds in, pushed that into a bottle and topped up with spirit.
The third version was a finely chopped chilli with no seeds.
The distilling competition is coming up next week so it was time to get the samples out of the cupboard and see which was best. I asked some Siberian friends who have some experience with Chilli Vodka to do a blind test. The 3 samples were labelled A, B & C.
The darkest one, on the right side of the photo, was the chopped chilli, which to my mind looked the most interesting. However the split chilli with seeds was voted by the panel the best, so that's the one I'll submit. The chopped chilli came in second and the whole chilli rated third.
Now we'll have to wait and see what the competition judges think...
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